Since Wednesday, we've ridden across Washington, Idaho, South through Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, and back into Utah to Moab. We've managed to do a good mix of backcountry byways, dirt roads, and highway. We've ridden some awesome roads and seen some beautiful landscapes so far in the trip. Rather than write pages and pages of text, we decided to make this a photo posting. Enjoy!
Wild Horse Wind Farm Visitor Center.
Made our annual pilgrimage to White Bird Idaho to drink $1.25 ice cold beers at the Silver Dollar.
Night two campsite at Grand Jean, ID.
Road out of Grand Jean, ID.
Craters of the Moon, ID.
Airing down the tires at the start of an 80 mile stretch of dirt road out of Blackfoot, ID.
Breakfast, somewhere between Idaho and Wyoming.
Road between Blackfoot Idaho and Alpine Wyoming.
Many people herding cattle that day.
Morning scene at campsite at Flaming Gorge NRA. Laundry drying, breakfast, scenery.
Dirt road through Flaming Gorge NRA.
The top of Douglas Pass in Colorado. Reminiscent of roads in Switzerland.
We're looking forward to the next half of our journey . Today we'll ride through Arches, and then pick a few more destinations in Southern Utah before heading back North towards home. Next time we get internet access, we'll be sure to post more pictures.
- Matt & Brayde
That looks great guys!